Lunar New Year – Rooster

新年賀卡設計 - 雞年


忙碌的一年轉瞬即逝,在各地打拼的雞家族成員正在趕回老家圍爐的路上。在這與家人團聚的日子,同樣在路途中的你,若恰巧遇見他們其中一員,別忘了打聲招呼,互道個新年快樂唷!我們希望透夠溫馨俏皮的故事與插圖,讓收件者在寒冷的新年中感受到一些額外的暖意。也相信親手收到一張由郵差傳遞的紙本賀卡,會帶給飛快的生活一點不一樣的節奏! 活動網站 

After a busy year, rooster family members are on their way to the family reunion and celebrate Chinese New Year. We created this series of Chinese Zodiac-themed new year postcard for our client as thanks and hope they can feel some extra warm through these heartwarming stories and illustrations. Here’s the website .

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