Motion Graphic – Orange House Laundry Detergent

動態圖像設計 - 橘子工坊洗衣精

Orange House 兩種洗手乳產品特色介紹動畫短片,以專業又帶輕切感的圖像風格設計,完美搭配Orange House品牌色系。整體製作包含腳本分鏡編排、插圖畫面設計、動態設計與製作、剪接及音樂搭配等,清楚簡潔地在30秒內點出兩產品特色、適用對象及其品牌優勢!

An animation video introducing Orange House Hand Soap series product. We created an energetic illustration style that perfectly integrated Orange House’s official color palettes. This intriguing 30 seconds motion graphic film makes the key features and advantages of the products clear and easy to understand.

Commissioner|Odin 跨境電商顧問
Client|Orange House 橘子工坊
Director & Art Designer|Be Human Design 唯人設計

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