Design for X is a series design lecture. The key vision is based on the concept of “design for whom, who design, and design for what”. We personate the daily objects to express that anything or anyone can become the subject of design.

由政大創新與創造力中心主辦之設計講座活動,主視覺延伸「Design for X」設計系列講座「為誰設計、誰來設計、設計何物」之活動宗旨,將各領域的物件擬人化,以強調任何人事物都可能成為設計之主體。設計專案包含活動主視覺海報、票劵及識別證等。
Design for X is a series design lecture. The key vision is based on the concept of “design for whom, who design, and design for what”. We personate the daily objects to express that anything or anyone can become the subject of design.